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LNA Spring 2022 Meeting Omaha - Law Firm Marketing Panel Discussion

This Best Practice Panel Discussion addressed Law Firm Marketing in 2022, What Works and What Doesn't. Marketing for law firms continues to evolve; from the days of advertising prohibition to the current trend of firms spending substantial portions of their overhead on entertaining and attracting new business.

Law firm marketing strategies and plans need to be implemented and revisited on a continual basis or they stall. Having a why behind your strategy, and an action specific plan to achieve the strategy, helps ensure the time and money put toward that effort does not go to waste.

Moderated by Gross Welch Marks Clare Partner Jeff Welch, this panel made up of Kessler Collins Associates, Ali Hinkley and Chandler Saul and Cleveland Waters and Bass Director Callan Sullivan offer conversational starters on a number of current marketing topics including the why behind marketing, firm/attorney web-presence, content marketing, marketing managers and firm branding.

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