For thirty years, Legal Netlink Alliance has served the needs of clients worldwide.
Louisville Business First names Kyle Anne Citrynell, member, Seiller Waterman LLC, as one of their 20 People to Know in Law.
Years in current job: 33
Years in the field of law: 43
Why did you choose to pursue a career in law?
Even though I went to law school, I was not sure I wanted to practice law. That changed after my first job. I found my niche working for the Kentucky Arts Commission as director of Professional Services to the Arts, a statewide program offering free services to financially disadvantaged artists and arts groups.
From there, I was able to build my practice in intellectual property law — with a focus on arts, entertainment, media, publishing and technology, representing creators and inventors in the protection of and transactions and litigation involving, among other things, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and patents.
Tell us about an interaction with a client or work on a project that has stuck with you.
Forty years and some later, I have had quite a few memorable client experiences. I have attended the unveilings of clients’ monumental sculpture commissions in Washington, D.C. and New York. I have bought my clients’ New York Times Best Seller List books at Carmichael’s Bookstore.
I have been in theaters to watch my clients’ films on the silver screen and seen my name in the credits as legal adviser. I have helped stop a nationwide influx of Chinese knockoffs and helped save a client’s business.
I am in awe of my talented clients and humbled by the opportunity to represent them. Every interaction with each of them sticks with me.
If you weren’t an attorney, which profession would you see yourself in? Why?
An arts administrator, curator or interior decorator. I am drawn to work involving expression and inventiveness.
What’s the biggest legal issue/legislation that your clients or your company are paying attention to currently or on the horizon?
Copyright practitioners are all waiting with bated breath for the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Andy Warhol fair use case. Fair use is a legal theory that excuses certain unauthorized takings, such as criticism, news reporting, scholarship, comment, teaching and research — uses that transform the taken work by giving it a new purpose.
For those unfamiliar, Andy Warhol’s portrait of Prince used another artist’s photograph without permission. The question the Supreme Court is tackling is whether the use is “transformative” and, hence, “fair.” Courts are split on what is a transformative use.
Hopefully, this decision will provide much-needed clarity.
Describe your favorite place — park, restaurant, bookstore, etc. — in the Louisville area.
My favorite place in Louisville is my loft in Glassworks. It is filled with art and books and music and family memorabilia. I have two cats and a roof garden overlooking the Ohio River. It is my refuge, and I am very much at peace in my home.
What’s something surprising about you most people wouldn’t know?
I am a serious practitioner and teacher of yoga. I am trained to teach Bikram, vinyasa and yin styles.