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For thirty years, Legal Netlink Alliance has served the needs of clients worldwide.

ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN Recognized as a "Top Tier" Firm by Legal500

Feb 22, 2025 – Frankfurt, Germany

ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN (ASD) has been awarded prestigious "Top Tier" rankings in the latest edition of Legal500, further solidifying its reputation as a leading law firm in Germany.

The firm was recognized for its exceptional work in the following practice areas:

  • Advisory Transport Sector
  • Maritime Business Law
  • Ship Financing


Legal 500 editorials explain:

Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein comprehensively advises on all aspects in the maritime sector, including maritime law, transactions and marine insurance as well as antitrust and procurement law issues. Co-head Jan Dreyer specialises in contract drafting in connection with shipbuilding and ship financing; he heads the practice with the international maritime and inland waterway transport law expert Olaf Hartenstein. Dieter Schwampe covers contentious insurance issues, while Jan Tjarko Eichhorn is regularly instructed on corporate law as well as M&A transactions and joint ventures in the maritime sector. Oliver Behrendt frequently advises shipping companies, shipyards and their suppliers on shipbuilding and operation.

Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein's transport, aviation and logistics practice supports operators, insurers and carriers in transport law matters and focuses on the drafting of transport and logistics contracts. Other core topics are transaction support, the advice on contentious matters and relevant interfacing matters. These capacities correspond with the focus of practice head Oliver Peltzer, who is well versed in transaction work and contract drafting and is also experienced in arbitration. He is supported by Holger Bürskens, who is experienced in the structuring and support of projects in the transport and logistics sector as well as in contract drafting and negotiations. The drafting of transport and logistics contracts is also among the core strengths of Marco Remiorz and Steffen Maelicke, they both have additional experience in diputes and litigation. The latter is also a mainstay of transport law expert Carsten Vyvers; he regularly supports clients in the defence against claims for damages. Andreas Fuchs specialises in pharmaceutical logistics as well as in- and outsourcing.

In addition to these top-tier accolades, ASD also earned excellent placements in several other areas, including:

  • Intellectual Property Law
  • City Focus: Hamburg
  • Construction Law
  • Food and Consumer Goods
  • M&A Small Deals (up to €100M)
  • Intellectual Property – Trademark Law

Individual Achievements Recognized

Legal500 also highlighted the outstanding contributions of key members of the ASD team:

  • Hall of Fame: Dieter Schwampe & Jan Dreyer
  • Leading Partners: Jan Eichhorn, Marco Remiorz, Holger Buerskens
  • Next Generation Lawyer: Carsten Vyvers


Client testimonials:

'Holger Bürskens is the "go-to" contact for multimodal transport law in Germany. He combines technical expertise with a friendly approach.'

'The law firm is highly specialized in transport law.'

'In my opinion, ASD has the best team in Germany. They specialize in various aspects of shipping and their experts cover all areas of maritime law. There is no better law firm in Germany in this area.'

'The in-depth knowledge and experience are simply great. Few other law firms can come close.'


This recognition is a testament to ASD’s commitment to excellence and the firm’s ability to deliver outstanding legal services across multiple sectors. With deep expertise in maritime, transport, intellectual property, and M&A law, ARNECKE SIBETH DABELSTEIN continues to be a leading player in the German legal market.

The firm’s remarkable achievements reflect the hard work and dedication of its team, and the recognition is a significant milestone in the firm’s continued growth and success.