
For thirty years, Legal Netlink Alliance has served the needs of clients worldwide.


For thirty years, Legal Netlink Alliance has served the needs of clients worldwide.

BUŽEK & TEREM Attorneys Officially Rebranded to BTLAW

Jan 12, 2024 – Bratislava, Slovakia

BUŽEK & TEREM attorneys officially rebranded to BTLAW.

Interestingly, many of our (and not only foreign) clients have long referred to us as BT or BTLAW.

As specialists in business (B) and technology (T) law, this rebranding underscores our focus while giving life to the shortcut that our clients have naturally adopted.

Our hashtag #hodnoty - clarity of legal assistance, humanity, professionalism and approach focused on client comfort - remains unchanged, of course, as we stay true to our core values.

We have been lawyers for business law and technology since 2009.

Although our domain is commercial and software law, our daily agenda also includes employment law advice, personal data protection, real estate law and construction law, including contracts related to construction (FIDIC).

We also defend clients in proceedings with state authorities, especially in situations where the client is undergoing an inspection, in cases where the client has been fined or is threatened with a fine.

We provide legal assistance not only in Slovak, but also in English and French. We have joined Legal Netlink Alliance in 2013. Thanks to our colleagues in the alliance, we can also provide legal assistance in the places where our clients need it.

We prefer reasonable and constructive solutions that will bring about a positive shift in cases - whether for the client it means a successfully resolved case, saved time, or financial resources.

Our professionalism is based on experience. We understand not only the laws but also the human dimension - although we take our work and mission seriously, we do not play games. That's also why we defend your interests with our sleeves rolled up - either because of our determination or simply for convenience.

🙏 We thank our long-term clients for their trust, who remain part of our journey and we look forward to seeing you who are considering using our legal services for the first time.

We are BTLAW – lawyers (not only) for your business and technology.